Monday, September 13, 2010

Baby Gaga

Last night Cher handed a Best Video award to Lady Gaga and she said something like, "I can't believe I just handed Cher my meat purse."

Girl.  I get your thang and think you rock.  But that woman who graciously held your meat purse is quite possibly THE six degrees of reasons you are respected for wearing a meat dress to go with your euphemism.  

By no means does anyone expect you to go down a list and thank all of the meat-purses who paved your way.  Every artist has a predecessor that fought the good fight.  Especially the chicks. And it isn't necessary.  Good people steal from the best people and the people that were around during the days of the best people smell it all over the good people and it's fulfilling for the layman to peg the recycles.  

But when standing face-to-face with a tried and true original meat-purse?...give her some props.  It's the classy.  Taking the focus off yourself for a moment buys you more time from the flame-out factor anyway. It's good for you. Like bran. The woman is in her sixties and is still walking around in her towering, naked confidence.  Literally.  And doing it really, really well.  She would take the title in any meat-purse battle. Janis would if she could.

And stop wearing s*&t you can't walk in.  It's sloppy and blows the illusion. Transitions are just as important as the still image you continually create. Pros move gracefully between creating their tableaus.  Hire people to carry you around.  Cleopatra, the original meat-purse, did.  Duh.

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