Thursday, January 27, 2011

Dine and Dash Abduction

1: ...and like he totally gave me the creeps. Yeah. Just like Mr. Bacham from English? Yeah.

2:  The Starbucks dude? Ooooh. Gross. Totally gross.

1:  I know, like, W.T.F., right?

2:  Ashley, are you alright? You look...

1:  What.

2:  You look...Oh Em Gee...

1:  What's happening?!!!!

2:  What is that bright light?

1:  Up above?!!  I can't move my face!!!

2:  I can't SEE!!!

1:  I CAAAAHHHAAA.........

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Life's a B&*^h and Then You Die

I'm curious when this life and this planet gets to be ours and not "God's". I'll bet it will be a lot more fun and a lot less dangerously indulgent. We tend to take more responsibility for things we call our own. 

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

"They can take our WIVES..."

"...but they can't take our freedom!"

This is what I thought Mel Gibson screamed in the Diary of a Mad Blue-faced Man movie from 1995. I didn't bat an eye. National revolts are often started by the love or loss of a woman. It's just that no one admits it until centuries later in sabotaged history accounts and tall tales. I was impressed with the candor and missed the 'real' poetry.

I am really looking forward to the day when someone in the distant future standing with a butterfly on his shoulder atop a luscious, green hill overlooking forests and pastures full of animals, a sky filled with friendly birds and a village full of happy, healthy, purposeful people, looks down and bends over a dried creek-bed to retrieve a United States coin, encrusted with bits of blood and manure, preserved in amber. I look forward to him placing it in his pocket, running down to his family and holding up the treasure at the dinner table that evening; his little children in awe of the orange glow cast on the floor from the firelight that shines right through it.  I look forward to him giving it to the town elder, who discovers by way of written response to his letters sent, that the coin actually dates back to an ancient time. The culture of the snake that once prospered but quickly swallowed it's own tale because of the love of a mere woman.  

A woman named commerce.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Thursday, January 6, 2011

"Crap On The Street"

This is what New Yorkers call used furniture they fill their homes with. 

I thought about putting this over my bed. 

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

I'm OK, You're OK

...except when you're gay? 

An Ex-Con?


Stop the judging.  We're ALL OK.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Draggots Unite

Girls are the new boys.  Again.

Now that more people accept, no, are interested in eyeliner and Adam's apples, let's do something with it.  

More lip service, less lip sync.

Monday, January 3, 2011

Happy New Ear

This year I want to be a better person. 

I resolve to listen more than I speak. 

(Until I get my teeth whitened.)